Friday, February 22, 2013

Get 10 tips on how to avoid frozen pipes in the house and home

What to do if they freeze. Prolonged frost is dangerous to your water - and heat pipes. The blow, if there is no circulation in the pipes, with great damage. But there are plenty of things you can do to prevent it from going wrong. Follow these 10 tips that we bring with First Ocean circulation in the heating tubes The pipes freeze easier for outside circulation. Therefore, you should not turn off the circulation pump at night when it's hard frost. Second Keep a minimum temperature of 17 degrees throughout the house Most insurance does not cover damage to your home caused by frost burst pipes due to insufficient space heating. You should always keep a minimum temperature of at least 17 degrees throughout the house. The home covers most companies do not frost damage as a result of inadequate heating, but here the indoor temperature does not matter, since most warms the house up when not in use. Instead, you must turn off the water and drain pipes empty the water. In addition, it is a good idea to check your insurance requirements. 3rd Beware of hidden pipes in skunken Please note, if you have hidden pipes to either heat or water in places where it can be really cold - but you do not usually get an eye on the tubes. Problems with frozen pipes occurs namely typically skunkrum, in the attic or other places where pipes run outside the building envelope. Use your logical sense - is there a radiator on the wall, and there is no visible pipes, there are pipes behind the wall. Check your skunkrum for pipes - and check out at the same time, if they are well enough insulated. 4th Insulate pipes or move them Once you have once had frost problems in a given location, you will probably get it again. In those cases, it would be a good idea either to insulate pipes, or - in real bad cases - to shift the piping so that it comes within the building envelope. 5th Drop electric varmebendler It is rarely worthwhile to develop heat, electrical varmebendler on the pipes, as many suggest. It can quickly become an expensive option to keep the frost from your pipes with electric heating. 6th Close the main water tap in the house Water and heating pipes bursting mostly in homes. Close therefore always the main water tap when you shut down for the winter holiday cottage and drain all water lines to the extent that this is possible. There is typically a spigot at the water meter and a hose leading to a drain. In many homes of older spigot can sit outdoors in a well. This is the safest way to frost ensure your pipes, according to Bolius  Moen 21007 Vitalize Rainshower Shower Head Only with 1 2 Inch Connection- you prevent both rorsprengninger, and the water gushing out of the broken pipe when the temperature rises again. 7th Provide air circulation in the cottage Ensure the free circulation of air in the house by opening all interior doors and door during eg kitchen sink, in order to get hot in there. A kitchen cabinet, which is mounted against a cold wall, can become very cold. In such create runs use the water to the faucet often, and by opening the closet, you ensure that the cabinet is the same temperature as the rest of the kitchen. 8th Do not thaw frozen pipes with heat gun Heat guns can easily destroy or weaken the pipe, if you heat too long on a piece at a time. There is also liable to catch fire or create dust and you risk insurance does not cover. 9th Get an installer to thaw frozen water pipes up Ask your plumber to thaw the pipe up again by putting the voltage on the tube - do NOT even try you. Always ask for an estimate before work begins, as it varies by piping and where you live. 10th Stop accident before finishing Burst water or heating pipe, it is important to stop the flow of water. Close therefore the main water tap as soon as possible, it's often at the water meter in the utility room.

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